
Hello 2022

January 1, 2022.

Doesn’t that sound strange? One minute it was 2021, and the next 2022. While this is a time for celebration and ringing in the new, I always felt a strange weight on New Years.

There’s always pressure to come up with resolutions and completely revamp yourself in the new year. I’m guilty of it. I’m guilty of not keeping up with some of my resolutions in the past few years. Instead of coming up with totally new resolutions, I’m extending what I’ve always been practicing and enhancing my current routine with better habits. Less pressure that way.

I found that it’s hard to look forward to the new year unless I actually have something planned. Given how the last 2 years have been, I’ve learned that life won’t always turn out as planned. Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs. Expect the unexpected. On Jan 1, 2021 I didn’t expect myself to be where I am today, and in 1 year from now, I would have experienced and achieved so much more than I expected today. This time last year, I wasn’t pretty optimistic of what 2021 had to offer, but in retrospect, I achieved so much and experienced a lot of change.

That’s not to say 2021 wasn’t easy. I’ve experienced some of the most anxiety I’ve ever had. I’ve struggled to tame that little annoying voice in my head. I’ve felt true loneliness and had to learn to deal with the growing pains that come with major changes. These things are a constant struggle and they’re not going to go away overnight, but I found myself closer to the things that make me happy this year. It’s the progress I’ve experienced this past year that has made all the difference.

2021 was the year that brought me closer to my loved ones – whether it was virtually during lockdowns, travels or via moving. It was the year I started to put myself and my mental health first, whether that was through healthier habits, allowing myself to actually rest, or surrounding myself with the people who make me feel the most me. I experienced the most growth and value in my career – through my day to day, the support of my senior leadership and a promotion. Most importantly, it was the year I finally felt a little more confident in who I am and who I am becoming – both personally and professionally. I credit my family and friends who have turned my periods of lows into highs.

So what am I looking forward to in 2022? Truth is, I don’t have much planned. I’m taking it slowly. Things to look forward to will come up in time. The main thing is that I hope that this year is the year where we will see some more normalcy in the world. Here are a couple of things I’m looking forward to in 2022:

  • Travelling locally and to new places I haven’t been before
    • and reduced travel restrictions
  • Celebrating milestones with my family and friends
  • Eat more vegetables
  • More desserts and coffee
  • Healthier habits
    • Move my body a little bit every day
    • Eating more greens
    • Drinking more water
    • Sleeping before midnight on weekdays
    • Writing/journaling regularly

What are you looking forward to in 2022?

2021 Highlights